Principal for Academic Affairs Welcome
Welcome to Le Bocage International school (LBIS). As the Principal, I’m excited to be part of this vibrant, dedicated community. Originally from the Netherlands, my journey in education began in 1998, and I’ve had the privilege of working with students, educators, and families around the world.
I’ve held leadership roles in international schools in the UK, and more recently served as Deputy Head of Education at an IB continuum school in the Netherlands. I also serve as an IB Educator Network Lead Educator and have consulted, trained, and chaired synchronised evaluations globally for the IB, CIS, NEASC.
Education, for me, is about connection, curiosity, and fostering belonging for all our learners. We aim to empower young people to make meaningful contributions for a better, more peaceful world. The students at le Bocage inspire us with hope for our future, knowing they are lifelong learners. As a community we are dedicated to making a positive impact here in Mauritius and internationally, exemplified by our core mission to learn, build, innovate and succeed.
Le Bocage is committed to providing a safe space for learning, and I am excited to collaborate in partnership with our students, staff, and parents to continue building on the school’s remarkable achievements. Together, we will make Le Bocage a place of growth and inspiration for all.
Come and see our wonderful campus and our learning in action.
Edith van der Linden

Principal for Pastoral and Student Support Welcome
At LBIS Pastoral Care takes an inclusive function. It is inextricably linked with the academic curriculum and the structural organization of the school. Hence, the programme promotes “students personal and social development and fosters positive attitudes: through the quality of teaching and learning: through the nature of relationship amongst students, teachers and adults other than teachers; through the monitoring of students’ progress, academic personal and social; through specific pastoral and support systems and through extra-curricular activities and the school ethos.
Our mission is to provide a supportive and caring environment which promotes the child’s personal, social and physical well being. Thereby, we aim at fostering student’s understanding of and respect for different spiritual and cultural values whilst supporting and validating their own experiences and beliefs. Opportunities are thus provided to students to enlarge a range of interpersonal, social, moral, ethical and cultural issues, which will enable them to develop a positive moral character, personal and interpersonal skills. We thus aim at continuously improve the supportive processes for the children, teachers and the school: shaping teaching and learning: encouraging dialogues with students; developing partnerships with other services within the community; shaping the school organization, ethos and environment and developing tools for evaluating pastoral care standards.
At LBIS the promotion of the health, well being, resilience, academic care and social capital is ensured by a team of people, comprising of the School counselor, the career’s counselor, the SEN and the life skills Coordinator, the Form coordinators and their team of Form Tutors, the Nurse, the health and safety officer, the CAS coordinator, the resource centre coordinator (librarian), the activity coordinators, the events coordinator, the curriculum department and the maintenance department. All the stakeholders mentioned above work as a team to ensure that at LBIS we uphold a school conditions that continuously promotes students’ welfare.